
Retirement Plans

With ever-changing IRS limitations and complex plan designs, it can be difficult to find the most cost-effective and tax-efficient savings strategy. We have the expertise needed to analyze your options and pinpoint that sweet spot of maximum benefit.

401(k) Plans »

Physician Services

We know how to take care of the caretakers.

Physicians face unique challenges managing their finances. Meridian has the expertise and experience to help keep your financial life in excellent health, so you can focus on your work and your family.

Lack of Time

Medical practice is an around the-clock commitment with little true time off. When doctors entrust Meridian with their financial lives, they get to spend less time worrying about money and more time doing the things they love.

Debt Reduction

Having medical school loans

does not mean your financial

life is in a bind. Let us help you

put a plan in place to prioritize

your expenses, pay off your

debts, and begin your savings


Financial Planning »

Hospital Employment

Hospital employment is unlike any other, often offering unique payment arrangements, complicated savings plans, and little personalized benefits support. Meridian will help you develop a plan to reach your financial goals as a hospital employee.


Get in touch with us.